Travel Essential: A Perfect Smile for that Perfect Summer Getaway

A family goin on vacationIt’s summer break and one’s thing for sure: the need to travel! Whether it be a quick trip, weekend getaway, or a long month haul, there are lots of things to prepare and put in mind. From those OOTDs, list of IG-worthy cafes down to different poses we need to strike for our Instagram feed, we need that perfect summer body to nail the perfect summer getaway – and oral care is on top of the list! 

Taking a vacation break doesn’t mean neglecting oral hygiene. During those hectic travel schedules and crazy itineraries, it’s easy to skip dental care and end up doing the bare minimum. While the idea of looking after our oral hygiene during travel sounds easy, there’s more to keep them healthy than just repetitive brushing and flossing.  Check out these handy dandy tips to make that smile as healthy as ever on your next bucket-list trip! 


Visit the dentist before you leave 

The last thing that we all want during our most-awaited trip is an emergency dental procedure. Who wants to have that swollen gums all throughout the most awaited time of the year? Definitely not me. That’s why booking an appointment with your dentist and scheduling it earlier to pave way for follow-up appointments is the best way to ensure that we are in tip-top shape before we hop on the plane. Visit Illinois Emergency Dentists to get that stellar smile from their state-of-the-art services available right at your fingertips. Easy, convenient, and hassle-free, never miss booking an appointment for that perfect smile for that perfect summer getaway! 


Must-bring-essentials for the perfect oral care 

Definitely, traveling can be fun but it sure has its own negative impact which can throw off our good routines. The long flights, hectic schedule, and unfamiliar surroundings mean you might neglect and skip dental care and end up with what they call “traveler’s breath”. Let’s not ruin our perfect getaway with that bad breath and protect our teeth by packing these must-bring-essentials for the perfect oral care: 


Water Bottle

Number 1 on the list is your water bottle. Always stay hydrated! The long-hour walks plus the hot, humid weather can really dry your mouth.  A dry mouth can increase the number of cavity-causing bacteria which may later lead to complications. If you drink a soda or other sugar-based drinks, make sure to drink water afterward. This will help rinse out the remaining sugars and acids in your mouth. 


Teeth-friendly snacks 

Admit it, we all love to do food hopping during our trips. Like, who doesn’t? We even love to munch and churn snacks during our flights even if it is just mere peanuts or other kinds of chips as long as our mouths get to do something from all the waiting. On top of high-calorie food, let’s be careful about what food to eat. Carry healthy and fibrous snacks that have natural abrasiveness as its component that can scrub teeth and help resist plaque build-up like for example, apple, broccoli, celery, and carrots. Being wary on what and what not to eat by being careful and diligent would definitely decrease any tooth-related problems, and that’s a fact. 

Second, do not starve yourself! Skipping meals and going long periods of time without food intake means a decrease in healthy saliva when you chew your food, and in turn, you find yourself with a dry, stale mouth (a good habitat for cavity-causing bacteria, yikes!) A rule of thumb: always keep healthy snacks handy for those gaps between meals. 


Sugarless chewing gum

Aside from chewing a piece of gum while aboard to combat airplane pressure, having some handy chewing gums while on trips is useful when stopping to brush our teeth after meals just aren’t practical. Chewing some sugar-free gums will freshen your breath and help clean your mouth until you can already brush your teeth. A pocket-size mouthwash would also do but chewing some gums along the road looks cool for that carefree and happy-go-lucky look. 


Your toothbrush 

When packing your toiletry bag, do not forget your oral health paraphernalia: toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Always make sure that you clean your toiletries and disinfect them well to avoid any bacteria accumulation. We don’t want any bacteria breeding on our toothbrushes as this may lead to oral health complications. Second, always keep your toothbrush clean and dry since keeping it wet allows for more bacterial growth. Third, keep a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste in your hand-carry luggage. Aside from it being handy, at least your oral care routine won’t be disrupted in case your luggage gets lost or delayed. And lastly, ensure that you clean your toothbrush as best and as often as you can while you are on your trip. 


Smiling can change the world 

Yes, really. A smile can really move mountains. Traveling is best equipped with the best smile one could ever have. Taking pictures on our trips with our genuine smiles would always bring good memories once we get home. Besides, smiling does more than lowering your stress levels. It’s a natural way to connect with others. One smile can really make a whole lot of difference. Happiness is contagious, never stop giving it for free!